Proxi is a virtual reality that makes a second life with a new identity possible. When a virus destroys this virtual reality, it's the end of the world for many people: Parts of their lives, their selves, are extinguished forever.

The trans* singer Monae, the competitive gamer Kawi, and Dion, a AI in a biosynthetic body, want their lost world back. Together they embark on a quest for the hidden back-up copy of Proxi. Their road trip in a solar-powered camper takes them through a landscape, Proto, that was altered through a climate crisis and biohacking. On their trip, they encounter several communities, the Elders, the Solar Trolls, and a theater troupe, who are trying to create something new for themselves. They also encounter new plants and animals: The landscape that was changed by the climate catastrophe lives, and it's worthwhile to fight for it.

It quickly becomes clear that they need to trust each other to survive; that in order to reach their goal, they have to depend on each other. But not everyone has the same goal or wants to survive.…  


Judith Madera auf Literatopia

Ein verstörender und berührender Roman über das, was nach der Polykrise kommt, voll kleiner utopischer Momente, Hoffnung und Empathie.

Horst Illmer im Phantastisch Magazin:

Nach der Lektüre von >Proxi<, Aiki Miras bisher ausgefeiltester und ambitioniertester Schöpfung, können wir uns [die] Zukunft vielleicht ein klein wenig besser vorstellen [...].

KI Punk, Klima-Kollaps und mikro Utopien:

"Spoko, frumii, magniv!" Und ich glaube so fühlt es sich an eine ganze Welt an ihren Säumen aufzulösen.