Proxi. Eine Endzeit-Utopie 2024 bei Fischer Tor nominated for SERAPH 2025
Proxi is a virtual reality that makes a second life with a new identity possible. When a virus destroys this virtual reality, it's the end of the world for many people: Parts of their lives, their selves, are extinguished forever.
The trans* singer Monae, the competitive gamer Kawi, and Dion, a AI in a biosynthetic body, want their lost world back. Together they embark on a quest for the hidden back-up copy of Proxi. Their road trip in a solar-powered camper takes them through a landscape, Proto, that was altered through a climate crisis and biohacking. On their trip, they encounter several communities, the Elders, the Solar Trolls, and a theater troupe, who are trying to create something new for themselves. They also encounter new plants and animals: The landscape that was changed by the climate catastrophe lives, and it's worthwhile to fight for it.
It quickly becomes clear that they need to trust each other to survive; that in order to reach their goal, they have to depend on each other. But not everyone has the same goal or wants to survive.…
Judith Madera auf Literatopia:
Ein verstörender und berührender Roman über das, was nach der Polykrise kommt, voll kleiner utopischer Momente, Hoffnung und Empathie.
Horst Illmer im Phantastisch Magazin:
Nach der Lektüre von >Proxi<, Aiki Miras bisher ausgefeiltester und ambitioniertester Schöpfung, können wir uns [die] Zukunft vielleicht ein klein wenig besser vorstellen [...].
KI Punk, Klima-Kollaps und mikro Utopien:
"Spoko, frumii, magniv!" Und ich glaube so fühlt es sich an eine ganze Welt an ihren Säumen aufzulösen.
Essay zu Proxi und Post Climate Fiction: Über das Ende hinausschreiben: Post-Climate-Fiction und Post-Zukunft